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Mineri Matsuura (Japan)
Mineri Matsuura: Brosche, Silber, Farbe, handgesägt, 2019 / Brooch, oxidized silver, paint

Die aus Silber handgesägten Schmuckskulpturen von Mineri Matsuura gewannen
internationale Preise u.a. ALLIAGES Legacy award TECHNIQUE prize, Lille, 2019,
Gioielli in Fermento 2019 - Klimt02 and AGC Special Mention prize, Italy.
Her work is inspired by her countries interest in Buddhist religion and it’s Zen
philosophy. Her pieces evolve from a simple seeming process, similar to a Zen
like feeling of reawakening or Nirvana.

Öffnungszeiten / Opening times:
Mittwoch / Wednesday - Freitag / Friday  13.00 - 19.00 / 1-7 p.m.

Samstag / Saturday  12.00 - 18.00 / 12-6 p.m.

Telefon  +43 1 535 63 34
+43 699 140 93 221

Am Bauernmarkt 19, 1010 Wien

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